20 July, 2025 Fort Wayne IN, The Embassy Theater 3:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
3 April, 2025 Bradenton FL, Christ Episcopal Church 12:15 PM Solo Concert (organ)
26 March, 2025 Sarasota FL, Church of the Redeemer 12:15 PM Solo Concert (organ)
7 February, 2025 Zautla Mexico, Church of San Andrés 1:00 PM IOHIO Joint Concert (organ)
13 November, 2024 Orange CA, St. Callistus Chapel of Christ Cathedral 7:30 PM Pipe Organ Dedication Concert (organ)
27 October, 2024 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 3:00 PM Silent Film: TBD (organ)
25 October, 2024 Orlando FL, The Basilica of Our Lady Queen of the Universe 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Ben Hur" (organ)
25 August, 2024 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 7:00 PM Silent Films: The Silent Clowns featuring Buster Keaton in "Cops" (1922), Charley Chase and Vivien Oakland in "Mighty Like a Moose" (1926), Charlie Chaplin in "Little Tramp" (1917) and Laurel and Hardy in "Big Business" (1929)
30 June 2024, Interlochen MI, Dendrinos Chapel at Interlochen Center for the Arts 4:30 PM Solo Concert (organ)
23 May 2024, Chautauqua NY, Hurlbut Church 7:00 PM Solo Organ Dedication Concert (organ)
13 April, 2024 Venice FL, The Crawford Memorial Carillon at the Venice Institute for Performing Arts 10:00 AM Solo Concert (carillon)
30 March, 2024 Venice FL, The Crawford Memorial Carillon at the Venice Institute for Performing Arts 10:00 AM Solo Concert (carillon)
23 March, 2024 Venice FL, The Crawford Memorial Carillon at the Venice Institute for Performing Arts 10:00 AM Solo Concert (carillon)
24 February, 2024 Venice FL, The Crawford Memorial Carillon at the Venice Institute for Performing Arts 10:00 AM Solo Concert (carillon)
17 February, 2024 Tampa FL, St. Lawrence Catholic Church 1:00 PM Lecture/Practicum on Registration for the Organ (lecture)
14 February, 2024 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Girl Shy" (organ)
3 February, 2024 Venice FL, The Crawford Memorial Carillon at the Venice Institute for Performing Arts 10:00 AM Solo Concert (carillon)
20 October, 2023 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (organ)
27 August, 2023 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 3:00 PM Silent Film: The Silent Clowns featuring Buster Keaton in “The Scarecrow” (1920), Charlie Chaplin in “Pay Day” (1919), Harold Lloyd in “Captain Kidd’s Kids” (1919) and Stan Laurel and Oliver Hardy in “The Battle of the Century” (1927). (organ)
6 August, 2023 Oakland CA, Cathedral of Christ the Lights Time 3:00 PM (organ)
18 June, 2023 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The Flying Ace" (organ)
16 June, 2023 Elk Rapids MI, Sacred Heart Catholic Church 5:00 PM New Pipe Organ Blessing and Inaguration (organ)
13 June, 2023 Elsah IL, Principia College Cox Auditorium 7:00 PM Silent Film 7:00 PM Silent Film: TBA (organ)
13 June, 2023 Elsah IL, Principia College Wanamaker Hall 1:15 PM Lecture "Find Love on pg. 209"
13 June, 2023 Elsah IL, Principia College Chapel 5:15 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
30 April, 2023 Detroit MI, Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrement 5:00 PM Music of René Becker (organ)
26 March, 2023 Plantation FL, Our Backyard Museum at the Jancko Residence 3:00 PM Concert and Silent Film: "The General" (organ)
19 March, 2023 Groton MA, Shanklin Music Hall 2:30 PM Silent Film: "The General" (organ)
18 March, 2023 Wellesley MA, Kinght Auditorium of Babson College 2:30 PM Silent Film: "Steamboat Bill Jr." (organ)
17 Feburary, 2023 Elsah IL, Principia College Cox Auditorium 7:00 PM Silent Film 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Seven Chances" (organ)
14 February, 2023 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Seven Chances" (organ)
4 February, 2023 Phoenix AZ, The Cathedral of Ss. Simon and Jude 1:00 PM Knights of Malta World Day of the Sick Telecast (conducting and organ)
30 October, 2022 Newport Beach CA, St. James Episcopal Church 5:30 PM Silent Film: "Nosferatu" (organ)
28 October, 2022 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 2:00 PM Silent Film: "The Lodger" (organ)
15 October, 2022 Champaign IL, The Virginia Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film "Nosferatu" (organ)
27 September, 2022 Ashtabula OH Lakeside High School 7:00 PM Silen Film: "Saftey Last" (organ)
6 September, 2022 Centralia IL, The Centralia Carillon 5:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
28 August, 2022 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater32:00 PM Silent Film Double Feature: "One Week" and "The Cameraman" (organ)
22 July, 2022 St. Louis MO, St. Francis Xavier College Church 6:00 Solemn Memorial Mass for the International Medieval Canon Law Conference at SLU (conducting)
17 July, 2022 St. Louis MO, St. Francis Xavier College Church 6:00 Solemn Pontifical Mass for the International Medieval Canon Law Conference at SLU (conducting)
1 July, 2022 Centralia IL, The Centralia Carillon 6:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
21 May, 2022 Champaign IL, The Virginia Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film "Saftey Last" (organ)
15 May, 2022 Pompano Beach FL, The Pink Church (First Presbyterian Church) 5:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
24 April, 2022 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 2:00 PM Silent Film: "The Adventures of Prince Achmed" (organ)
30 March, 2022 Tampa FL, The Jesuit School Chapel of the Holy Cross 7:00 PM Concert: "Exploring Jesuit Composers of the Bolivian Baroque Period" (orchestra)
21 November, 2021 Tampa FL, Christ the King Catholic Church 3:00 PM Recital featuring artists from the Diocese of St. Petersburg (organ)
31 October, 2021 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 2:00 PM Silent Film: "Nosferatu" (organ)
2 September, 2021 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The Black Pirate" (organ)
29 August, 2021 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 3:00 PM Silent Film: "The Black Pirate" (organ)
24 June, 2021 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The Gold Rush" (organ)
20 June, 2021 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 3:00 PM Silent Film: "The Gold Rush" (organ)
4 June, 2021 Centralia IL, The Centralia Carillon 6:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
20 March, 2021 Groton MA, Shanklin Music Hall 7:00 PM Silent Film TBD (organ) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19
13 February, 2021 St. Louis MO, St. Louis American Guild of Organists Annual "February Flourish" 9:00 AM "Approaching the Theater Organ from a Classical Organ Background: Why it Matters More than Ever Before" Lecture Recital (Live Virtual Event)
5 January, 2021 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 6:50 PM Solo Concert (carillon) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19, RE-SCHEDULED DATES TBA
4 January, 2021 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 11:45 AM Solo Concert (carillon) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19, RE-SCHEDULED DATES TBA
3 January, 2021 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 6:50 PM Solo Concert (carillon) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19, RE-SCHEDULED DATES TBA
25 December, 2020 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 4:45 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
25 December, 2020 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 9:15 AM Solo Concert (carillon)
24 December, 2020 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 2:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
23 December, 2020 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 7:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
28 November, 2020 Champaign IL, The Virginia Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film Doube Feature: "Big Business" and "Saftey Last!" (organ) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19
6 November, 2020 Springfield IL, The Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception 7:00 PM Solo Concert (organ) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19
25 October, 2020 St. Louis MO, Luther Tower of Concordia Seminary: 3:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon) for the St. Louis Chapter of the American Guild of Organists
9 October, 2020 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 3:00 PM Silent Film: "The Phantom of the Opera" (organ) LIVE-STREAMED VIRTUAL EVENT
25 July, 2020 Centralia IL, The Centralia Carillon 6:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
22 May, 2020 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 3:00 PM Silent Film: "The General" (organ) LIVE-STREAMED VIRTUAL EVENT
17 May, 2020 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 2:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19, RE-SCHEDULED for Jan 3-5, 2021
16 May, 2020 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 11:30 AM Solo Concert (carillon) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19, RE-SCHEDULED for Jan 3-5, 2021
15 May, 2020 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 6:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19, RE-SCHEDULED for Jan 3-5, 2021
26 April, 2020 St. Louis MO, Campus of St. Francis de Sales Oratory 2:00 PM Solo Concert for "Party on the Pipes" presented by SLTOS (organ) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19
19 April, 2020 25 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 3:00 PM Silent Film: "The Adventures of Prince Achmed" (organ ) CANCELED DUE TO COVID-19
14 March, 2020 Champaign IL, The Virginia Theater 7:00 PM Silent Film "Saftey Last!" (organ) CANCELED due to the Coronoa Virus, RE-SCHEDULED for Nov 28, 2020
15 February, 2020 New York NY, St. John Nepomucene 2:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
13 February, 2020 New York NY, St. Patrick's Cathedral 7:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
7 February, 2020 Kirkwood MO, First Presbyterian Church 11:15 AM Solo Concert (organ)
27 October, 2019 Missouri State University - Ellis Hall 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (organ)
25 October, 2019 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 3:00 PM Silent Film: "The Hunchback of Notre Dame" (organ)
24 October, 2019 Sarasota FL, St. Armand's Key Lutheran Church 7:30 PM Silent Film "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (organ)
25 August, 2019 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 3:00 PM Silent Film: "The Immigrant", "Never Weaken", "Big Business" and "One Week. (organ)
1 August, 2010 St. Louis MO, Luther Tower of Concordia Seminary: 6:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon) for the St. Louis chapter of the American Guild of Organists Pipe Organ Encounter (carillon)
30 July, 2019 New York NY, The The Laura Spelman Rockefeller Carillon of The Riverside Church 6:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
14 July, 2019 St. Louis MO, The Fabulous FOX Theater 7:00 PM 2:00 PM Solo Concert 'social' presented by the St. Louis Theater Organ Society (organ)
14 July, 2019 St. Louis MO, Christ Church Cathedral (Episcopal) 4:00 PM Guest Apperance in a joint recital fundraiser for the restoration of the organs of Notre Dame de Paris sponsored by the St. Louis American Guild of Organists (organ)
1 July, 2019 Garden Grove CA, Christ Cathedral Choir Room 1:00 PM Lecture "Good Vibrations—An Introduction to the History and Playing of the Carillon for Organists" (lecture with practicum session) AGO 2019 WEST REGION CONVENTION—ORANGE COUNTY
1 July, 2019 Garden Grove CA, The Arvella Schuller Carillon of Christ Cathedral 12:15 PM Solo Concert (carillon) AGO 2019 WEST REGION CONVENTION—ORANGE COUNTY
29 July, 2019 Joiilet IL, The Rialto Theater 2:00 PM Solo Concert 'social' presented by JATOE (organ)
1 June, 2019 Centralia IL, The Centralia Carillon 6:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
7 April, 2019 St. Louis MO, Historic Trinity Lutheran Church of Soulard: 2:00 PM Solo Concert for "Party on the Pipes" presented by SLTOS (organ)
10 March, 2019 Indianapolis IN, The Carl E. Wright Auditorium of Manual High School: 2:30 PM Solo Concert 'social' presented by CICATOS (organ)
20 January, 2019 St. Louis MO, The Scottish Rite Cathedral: 2:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film "You're Darn Tootin" presented by SLTOS (organ)
26 October, 2018 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The Cat and the Canary" (organ)
16 September, 2018 Mercersburg PA, Mercersburg Academy Barker Tower: 3:00 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
20 August, 2018 San Diego CA, Spreckels Organ Pavilion at Balboa Park: 7:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film: "Saftey Last" (organ)
15 August, 2018 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 12:00 noon: "The Wedding of the Sea" Solemn Mass with His Excellency Bishop Dennis Joseph Sullivan of Camden (organ).
"23 July, 2018 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: Seminar and Demo: "Music for Filmmakers" for the Tampa Theater Film Camp with the Silent Short Film "Cinderella"by Lotte Reiniger 1:00 PM (organ)
23 July, 2018 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: Seminar and Demo: "Music for Filmmakers" for the Tampa Theater Film Camp with the Silent Short Film "Cinderella"by Lotte Reiniger 9:00 AM (organ)
22 July, 2018 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Saftey Lastl" (organ)
9 July, 2018 Philadelphia PA, Greek Hall at Macy's Center City: 3:30 PM Pipe Organ Encounter (POE) presentation for the Philadelphia Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (organ)
24 June, 2018 Batsto NJ, Batsto Church at Pleasant Mills: 4:00 PM Joint Concert with the South East NJ Chapter of the American Guild of Organists (organ and soloists)
17 June, 2018 Lynchburg VA, Court Street United Methodist Church: 3:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film "The General" (organ)
1 June, 2018 Syracuse NY, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception: Hymn Festival and Solo Concert (organ)
26 May, 2018 Philadelphia PA, Greek Hall at Macy's Center City: 4:00 PM Silent Film "The General" (organ)
28 April, 2018 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Ben Hur" (organ)
28 April, 2018 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 9:00 AM Lecture "Music. In. Film."
27 April, 2018 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 2:00 PM Colloquium with the Central Florida Theater Organ Society (CFTOS).
21 April, 2018 Philadelphia PA, Greek Hall at Macy's Center City: 4:00 PM Silent Film "Sunrise" (organ)
6 January , 2018 Rome, Vatican City. St. Peter's Basilica: 10:00 AM Prelude and Papal Mass of the Epiphany (festival chrus and organ) Children's Festival for Epiphany 2018 - Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
4 January, 2018 Rome, Italy. Church of St. Ignatius Loyola in Campo Marzio: 8:00 PM concert (festival chous and organ) Children's Festival for Epiphany 2018 - Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
3 January, 2018 Assisi, Italy. Basilica of St. Francis (Basilica superiore): 5:00 PM Prelude and Mass (festival chrus and organ) Children's Festival for Epiphany 2018 - Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
2 January, 2018 Rome, Vatican City. St. Peter's Basilica: 5:00 PM Prelude and Mass at the Altar of the Chair (festival chorus and organ) Children's Festival for Epiphany 2018 - Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
27 October, 2017 Grand Rapids MI, Fountain Street Church: 7:30 PM Silent Film "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde"" (organ)
5 November, 2017 Pleasant Mills NJ, Batsto United Methodist Church: 4:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
22 October, 2017 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The Lodger" (organ) CANCELED BY VENUE
1 October, 2017 Mercersburg PA, Mercersburg Academy Barker Tower: 3:00 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
3 September, 2017 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film "Metropolis" (organ)
27 August, 2017 Acme MI The Music House Museum, 7:30 PM Silent Film: "Saftey Last" (organ)
27 August, 2017 Acme MI The Music House Museum, 5:30 PM Silent Film: "Saftey Last" (organ)
21 August, 2017 San Diego CA, Spreckels Organ Pavilion at Balboa Park: 7:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film: "Seven Chances" (organ)
20 August, 2017 San Diego CA, Spreckels Organ Pavilion at Balboa Park: 2:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
16 June, 2017 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Saftey Last!" (organ)
11 June, 2017 Lynchburg VA, Court Street United Methodist Church: 6:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film: "One Week" and "You're Darn Tootin'" (organ) -1st Annual Lynchburg International Organ Festival
3 June, 2017 Philadelphia PA, The Wanamaker Organ at Macy's Center City for Grand Court Organ Day: 9:00 PM Guest Appearance at the After Hours Concert in the Grand Court (organ)
3 June, 2017 Philadelphia PA, Greek Hall at Macy's Center City for Grand Court Organ Day: 2:00 PM Silent Film "Saftey Last" (organ)
3 June, 2017 Philadelphia PA, The Wanamaker Organ at Macy's Center City for Grand Court Organ Day: 11:00 AM Guest appearance with Peter Conte WRTI radio live broadcast (organ)
2 June, 2017 Lewisburg PA, Rooke Chapel at Bucknell University: 8:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
8 May, 2017 New York NY, The St. Wilfred Club Spring Meeting."The Boardwalk Hall Organ as a Window Into Our Past and Our Future" (lecture)
9 April, 2017 New York NY, Madison Square Gardens: 7:00 PM Guest Appearance at New York Rangers vs. Pittsburg Penguins 90th Season final game (organ)
5 April, 2017 Atlantic City NJ, Historic Boardwalk Hall Main Arena and The Adrian Phillips Theater: 8:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film "You're Darn Tootin'" - New Jersey Music Educators Association / NAFME Eastern Division Conference Special Presentation
24 March, 2017 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The Cameraman" (organ)
17 March, 2017 Michigan Center MI, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church: 6:00 PM Silent Film: "One Week" and "You're Darn Tootin'"(organ)
25 Febuary, 2017 Morrow GA, Spivey Hall: 3:00 PM Silent Film: "The Pawnshop" and live stage program (organ)
24 Febuary, 2017 Morrow GA, Spivey Hall: 3:00 PM Live Stage Act with Dan Kamin: "The Pantomine Man" (organ)
16 December, 2016 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "A Christmas Carol" and "Big Business" (organ)
21 October, 2016 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Nosferatu" (organ)
16 October, 2016 Syracuse NY, The State Fair Grounds 3:00 PM Silent Film "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (organ)
15 October, 2016 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film "The Cameraman" (organ)
1 October, 2016 Escanaba MI, St. Joseph & St. Patrick Parish: 4:00 PM Solo Dedication Concert (organ)
18 September, 2016 Garden Grove CA, Christ Cathedral: 9:00 AM Solo Concert (carillon)
17 July, 2016 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The Big Parade" (organ)
10 July, 2016 Cape May NJ, Church of the Advent: 4:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
1 July, 2016 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Spite Marriage" (organ)
24 April, 2016 Ann Arbor MI, The Michigan Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film "Sherlock Holmes" (organ)
24 April, 2016 Ann Arbor MI, The Michigan Theater: 6:00 PM "Silent Film and the Theater Organ" (lecture)
April 16, 2016 Philadelphia PA, Girard College Chapel: 4:00 PM Silent Film (a benefit concert also featuring Peter Richard Conte, Marvin Mills and Michael Stairs) "One Week"
March 13. 2016 Civita Castellana, Italy. Il Duomo--Basilica Cattedrale di Santa Maria Maggiore: 6:15 PM Concert (organ)
February 28, 2016 Michigan Center MI, Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church: 7:00 PM Silent Film (organ) Ben Hurr
February 21, 2016 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 3:00 PM Silent Film "Wings" (organ)
6 January , 2016 Rome, Vatican City. St. Peter's Basilica: 10:00 AM Prelude and Papal Mass of the Epiphany (festival chrus and organ) Children's Festival for Epiphany 2016 - Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
5 January, 2016 Assisi, Italy. Basilica of St. Francis (Basilica superiore): 5:00 PM Prelude and Mass (festival chrus and organ) Children's Festival for Epiphany 2016 - Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
3 January, 2016 Rome, Italy. Church of St. Ignatius Loyola in Campo Marzio: 9:00 PM concert (festival chous and organ) Children's Festival for Epiphany 2016 - Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
2 January, 2016 Rome, Vatican City. St. Peter's Basilica: 3:30 PM Prelude and Mass at the Altar of the Chair (festival chorus and organ) Children's Festival for Epiphany 2016 - Fondazione Pro Musica e Arte Sacra
20 November, 2015 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Metropolis" (organ)
9 November, 2015 Toronto Ontario CA, Casa Loma 8:00 PM Silent Film: "The Theif of Bagdad" (organ)
6 November, 2015 Kingston Ontario CA, Church of the Redeemer 8:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
28 October, 2015 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 3:00 PM Silent Film "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (organ)
23 October, 2015 Grand Rapids MI, Fountain Street Church: 7:00 PM Silent Film "The Phantom of the Opera" (organ)
16 October, 2015 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (organ)
11 October, 2015 Groton MA, Shanklin Music Hall: 2:30 PM Silent Film "Spite Marriage"(organ)
10 October, 2015 Wellesley MA, Babson College, Knight Auditorium: 2:30 PM Silent Film "The Freshman" (organ)
NOTICE 4 October, 2015 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (organ) POSTPONED TO OCTOBER 16, 2015 DUE TO WEATHER
2 October, 2015 New York City NY, St. Malachy's Church: 10:30 PM Solo Concert (organ)
30 August, 2015 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 3:00 PM Silent Film: "The Phantom of the Opera" (organ)
12 July, 2015 Cape May NJ, Episcopal Church of the Redeemer: 4:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
7 July, 2015 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 2:30 PM Solo Concert AMERICAN THEATER ORGAN SOCIETY NATIONAL CONVENTION LV AFTERGLOW(organ)
7 July, 2015 Atlantic City NJ, Historic Boardwalk Hall Main Auditorium: 12:00 PM Solo Concert AMERICAN THEATER ORGAN SOCIETY NATIONAL CONVENTION LV AFTERGLOLW (organ)
13 June, 2015 Philadelphia PA, The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts: 12:15 PM Silent Film: "You're Darn Tootin' " (organ)
31 May, 2015 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "The General" (organ)
29 May, 2015 Philadelphia PA, The Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts: 9:00 PM Silent Film "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari" (organ)
3 May, 2015 Elizabeth NJ, Second Presbyterian Church: 7:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
1 May, 2015 Albany NY, Westminster Presbyterian Church: 10:00 AGO Lecture; Improvisation on the organ (organ)
1 May, 2015 Albany NY, Westminster Presbyterian Church: 7:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
19 April, 2015 Fayette OH, Fayette Opera House: 7:00 Silent Film "The General" (organ)
15 March, 2015 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film: "Ben Hurr" (organ)
13 March, 2015 Jackson MI, First Presbyterian Church: 7:00 Silent Film "King of Kings" (organ)
2 February, 2015 Atlantic City NJ, The Palm Restauraunt: 7:00 PM Lecture for the New Jersey Epicurian Society (lecture)
17 January, 2015 Bryn Mawr PA, American Guild of Organists 8:30 AM and 2:45 PM Lecture/Demonstration (lecture and carillon)
6 November, 2014 Toledo OH, The Toledo Museum of Art Peristyle Theater: 7:00 PM Silent Film "The Cameraman" (organ)
26 October, 2014 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:30 PM Silent Film "The Phantom of the Opera" (organ)
24 August, 2014 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 3:00 PM Silent Film "The Black Pirate" (organ)
10 August, 2014 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:30 PM Silent Film "Wings" (organ)
5 August, 2014 Glouster MA, Our Lady of Good Voyage: 6:30 PM Solo Reictal (carillon)
4 August, 2014 Noorwood MA, Noorwood City Hall: 7:00 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
3 August, 2014 Cohassett MA, St. Stephens Church: 6:00 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
22 July, 2014 Whitemarsh PA, St. Thomas Church: 8:00 PM Solo Recital (organ)
2 July, 2014 Valley Forge PA, Washington Memorial Chapel: 7:30 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
1 July, 2014 Whitemarsh PA, St. Thomas Church: 7:00 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
29 June, 2014 Kennett Square PA, Longwood Gardens: 3:00 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
7 June, 2014 Philadelphia PA, Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts: 4:00 PM Silent Film "Sherlock Jr." (organ) Fred J. Cooper Memorial Organ Day
7 June, 2014 Philadelphia PA, Kimmel Center for the Performing Arts: 12:00 PM Silent Film "The Goat" (organ) Fred J. Cooper Memorial Organ Day
2 June, 2014 Philadelphia PA, First United Methodist Church (Germantown): 7:30 PM Solo Recital (carillon)Z
2 June, 2014 Philadelphia PA, Shrine of the Miraculous Medal (Germantown): 5:30 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
2 June, 2014 Philadelphia PA, Shrine of the Miraculous Medal (Germantown): 4:30 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
9 May, 2014 Arlington VA, Cathedral of St. Thomas More: 7:30 PM Solo Recital (organ)
3 April, 2014 Atlantic City NJ, Adrian Phillips Ballroom: 7:00 PM Silent Film "The Black Pirate" (organ)
23 February, 2014 Mercersburg PA, Mercersburg Academy Barker Tower: 3:00 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
25 January, 2014 Wilmington DE, John Dickinson High School: 7:00 PM Silent Film and Solo Recital (organ)
6 November, North Tonawanda NY, The Riviera Theater: 8:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film "Sherlock Jr." (organ)
4 Novemenber, 2013 Toronto Ontario CA, Casa Loma: 8:00 PM Silent Films "The Immigrant", "Big Business" and "Sherlock Jr." (organ)
1 November, 2013 Kingston Ontario CA, Church of the Redeemer: 8:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
27 October, 2013 Rochester NY, The Auditorium Theater: 2:30 PM Silent Film "The Phantom of the Opera" with Juliet Petrus (organ and vocal)
18 October, 2013 Wichita KS Century II Convention Center, 7:00 PM Silent Film "Nosferatu" (organ)
21 September, 2013 Grand Rapids MI, Fountain Street Church: 7:00 PM Silent Film "Wings" (organ)
11 August, 2013 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: 3:00 PM Silent Film "The Bangville Police" and "The General" (organ)
23 June, 2013 Bloomfield Hills MI, Kirk in the Hills: 10:00 AM and 12:00 PM Solo Concerts (carillon)
8 June, 2013 Ann Arbor MI, The Michigan Theater (Cinetopia Film Festival): Mary Pickford Shorts: "Sweet and Twenty", "They Who Would Elope", "The Trick that Failed" (1909) "Simple Chairlty" (1910), "The Dream", "Sweet Memories (1911), "The Informer" and "The New York Hat" (1912)--(organ)
7 June, 2013 Ann Arbor MI, The Michigan Theater (Cinetopia Film Festival) : " Silent Films featuring Mary Pickford: "They Who Would Elope" (1909) and "Sparrows" (1926)--(organ)
20 April, 2013 Ann Arbor MI, The Michigan Theater: 1:00 PM Silent Film "One Week" (organ)
14 April, 2013 Fort Wayne IN, The Embassy Theater: 2:00 PM Silent Films" Impossible Voyage" and "Safety Last" (organ)
17 March, 2013 Ann Arbor MI, Burton Memorial Tower: 1:30 PM and 3:15 PM Solo Concerts for the UM Honors Convocation (carillon)
10 March, 2013 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater: Silent Film "It" (organ)
14 February, 2013 Atlantic City, NJ, The Adrian Phillips Ballroom 1:00 PM. Concert and program for the non-denominational group wedding, civil union and vow renewal ceremony VI. (organ).
18 November, 2012 Hillsdale MI, Holy Trinity Anglican Church 3:00 PM: Solemn Dedication and Inaugral Concert of a Pipe Organ (organ)
10 November, 2012 Binghamton NY, The Forum Theater 7:30 PM: Solo Concert and Silent Film "Saftey Last" (organ) Chenango Arts Council Educational Initiative
10 November, 2012 Binghamton NY, The Forum Theate 2:00 PM: "Reliving the 1920's Movie Palace Experience - How Your Grandparents Saw the Movies!" Solo Concert and Silent Film (Organ) Chenango Arts Council Educational Initiative
7 November, North Tonawanda NY, The Riviera Theater 8:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film "Sherlock Holmes" (organ)
5 Novemenber, 2012 Toronto Ontario CA, Casa Loma 8:00 PM Silent Film: "The Winning of Barbera Worth" (organ)
2 November, 2012 Kingston Ontario CA, Church of the Redeemer 8:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
28 October, 2012 2012 Tampa, FL The Tampa Theater, 3:00 PM Silent Film "Nosferatu" (organ)
25 October, 2012 Ann Arbor, MI The Michigan Theater, 7:00 PM Silent Film "Nosferatu" (organ)
3 October, 2012 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Burton Memorial Tower, 7:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
2 October, 2012 Ann Arbor, Michigan, The Michigan Theater11:00 AM Lecture-Recital "Introduction to the Theater Organ" (organ)
2 October, 2012 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Burton Memorial Tower, 7:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
1 October, 2012 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Burton Memorial Tower, 7:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
30 September, 2012 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Burton Memorial Tower, 7:30 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
3 September, 2012 Ann Arbor, Michigan, The Michigan Theater, 6:30 PM, Solo Concert free UM student pre-show and film (organ)
26 August, 2012 Diest Belgium, Sint-Sulitiuskek, 8:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
25 August, 2012 Berlin, Tiergarten - Haus derKulturen der Welt, 4:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
23 August, 2012 Perpignan France, Cathedrale de Saint-Jean-Baptiste, 6:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
18 August, 2012 Amsterdam The Netherlands, Zuidertoren, 7:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
18 August, 2012 Amsterdam The Netherlands, Oude Kerk, 4:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
18 August, 2012 Amsterdam The Netherlands, Munttoren, 2:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
12 August, 2012 Tampa, FL The Tampa Theater, 3:00 PM Silent Film "The Lodger" (organ)
4 August, 2012 Birmingham AL, The Alabama Theater, 7:00 PM Silent Film "Wings" (organ)
27 July, 2012 Acme, MI The Music House Museum, 7:30 PM Silent Film "Sherlock Jr." (organ)
27 July, 2012 Acme, MI The Music House Museum, 5:30 PM Silent Film "Sherlock Jr." (organ)
24 July, 2012 Ann Arbor, MI The Michigan Theate, Ann Arbor MI,7:00 PM Silent Film "Sunrise" (organ)
22 July, 2012 Ann Arbor, MI The Michigan Theate, Ann Arbor MI, 1:30 PM Silent Film "Sunrise" (organ)
17 July, 2012, Wichita KS Century II Convention Center, 7:00 PM Silent Film "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" (organ)
18 June, 2012 Marquette MI, St. Peter's Cathedral, 8:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
9 June, 2012 Springfield Illinois, Thomas Rees Memorial Carillon, 7:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
5 June, 2012 Springfield Illinois, Thomas Rees Memorial Carillon, 7:45 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
3 June, 2012 Ann Arbor, MI The Michigan Theater,Cinetopia International Film Festival, 4:30 PM Silent Film "Saftey Last" (organ)
2 June, 2012 Ann Arbor, MI The Michigan Theater,Cinetopia International Film Festival, 2:00 PM "Harold Lloyd- Short Films, Long on Laughs" Including Silent Films: "Bumping Into Broadway", "Billy Blazes, Esq.", "Number, Please?", "Ask Father" and "High and Dizzy" (organ)
29 April, 2012 Fayette OH, Fayette Opera House, 3:00 PM Silent Film "Sherlock Jr." and Solo Program (organ)
23 April, 2012 St. Louis MO, The Fox Theater, 9:00 AM Solo Concert (organ)
21 April, 2012 Belleville IL, The Lincoln Theater, 9:00 AM Solo Concert and Silent Film "Sherlock Jr." (organ)
20 April, 2012 Belleville IL, The Lincoln Theate, 4:00 PM Lecture: "From Playing the Pictures to Playing the Pops- the Origins and Meaning of the Stylistic Language of the Theater Organ"
19-23 April, 2012 St. Louis MO, "Party on the Pipes X" (Multiple Performances)
26 March, 2012 Corpus Christi TX, Centenial Mass for the Diocese of Corpus Christi Texas,7:00 PM (organ)
10 March, 2012 Los Angles CA, UCLA Royce Hall, 8:00 PM Silent Film "Tillie's Punctured Romance" (organ)
3 March, 2012 Detroit MI, Cathedredal of the Most Blessed Sacrament, "Pueri Cantores" 5:00 PM (organ)
19 February, 2012 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater 3:00 PM Silent Film "The Black Pirate" (organ)
17 February, 2012 Grand Rapids MI, Fountain Street Church 12:30 PM Solo Concert (organ)
3 February, 2012 Duluth MN, First Lutheran Church 7:00 PM Silent Film "Ben Hur" (organ)
14 January, 2012 Fitzgerald GA, The Grand Theater, 7:00 PM Silent Film "The General" (organ)
5 January, 2012 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI, 7:00 PM 84th anniversary event and Silent Film "One Week" (organ)
20 November, 2011 St. Joseph MI, First Congregational Church, 6:00 PM Silent Film "The Gold Rush" (organ)
29 October, 2011 McKinney Opera House, McKinney TX, 7:00 PM Silent Film "The Lodger" (organ)
27 October, 2011 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI, 7:00 PM Silent Film "Nosferatu" (organ)
18 October, 2011The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI, 7:30 PM Silent Film "Clash of the Wolves" (organ)
1 October, 2011 Wichita KS, Century II Convention Center, 7:00 PM Silent Film "The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse" (organ)
3 September, 2011 Crystal Falls MI, The Crystal Theater, 7:00 PM Silent Film "The Black Pirate" (organ)
22 August, 2011 Philadelphia, PA, Cathedral Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul, 7:00 PM First Annual Convocation of Archdiocesan Musicians (organ and choir)
9 August, 2011 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI, 7:00 PM Silent Film "Battleship Potempkin" (organ)
7 August , 2011 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI, 1:30 PM Silent Film "Battleship Potempkin" (organ)
25 July, 2011 Cardinal Mundelein Seminary - St. Mary of the Lake Mundelein IL, 7:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film (TBA) (organ) ------CANCELED (DUE TO LACK OF ORGAN CONSOLE)-----
20 July, 2011 Ravinia Concert Hall, Chicago IL 7:00 PM Lecture "Shaping the Sound of Bronze-the Univeristy of Michigan's Unprecedented Course in Bellfounding"
3 July, 2011 Woonsocket RI, Stadium Theater, 1:30 PM Silent Film "Sunrise" (organ) AMERCIAN THEATER ORGAN SOCIETY NATIONAL CONVENTION LVI
30 June, 2011 Chattanooga TN, Chattanooga City Hall Auditorium, 7:00 PM Solo Concert and Silent Film "The General" (organ)
28 June, 2011 Ann Arbor MI, The University of Michigan, Ingalls Mall Ann Arbor Summer Festival 10:00 PM Silent Film "The Phantom of the Opera" (carillon)
28 June, 2011 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI, 5:00 PM Silent Film "The Casting of the Baird Carillon" 1936 (organ) and the WORLD PREMIERE of "The Back Page"1936 (organ) double feature.
28 June, 2011 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI ,4:30 PM Lecture: "The History of the Organ in the Motion Picture Theater"
5 June, 2011 Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square PA, 3:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
2 June, 2011 Bryn Mawr Presbyterian Church, Bryn Mawr PA, 7:00 PM Solo Concert (carillon)
29 May, 2011 Longwood Gardens, Kennett Square PA, 1:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
15 May 2011, 2011 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI ,1:30 PM Silent Film "Sherlock Jr." (organ)
11 March, 2011 First Presbyterian Church, Niles Michigan, 7:00 PM Silent Film "The Phantom of the Opera" (organ)
5 March, 2011 The Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Detroit Michigan, 5:00 PM Concert with "Pueri Cantores" (organ)
3 March, 2011 The Tampa Theater, Tampa FL, 10:00 AM Lecture for the University of Tampa: "The History of the Organ in the Motion Picture Theater"
21 November, 2010 Sarasotta FL South FL ATOS concert. 2:30 Solo Concert and Silent Film (organ)
19 November, 2010 St. Petersburg College, St. Petersburg Florida 7:30 PM Solo Concert (organ)
30 October, 2010 Los Angles CA, UCLA Royce Hall, 8:00 PM Silent Film "The Phantom of the Opera" (organ)
28 October, 2010 Ann Arbor MI, The Michigan Theater, 7:00 PM Silent Film "Das Vampyre" (organ)
5 October, 2010 Ann Arbor MI, Hill The University of Michigan- Hill Auditorium, 2:30 PM Lecture Recital "The Music of Rene Becker" 50th Conference on Organs and Organ Music (organ)
3 October, 2010 Jefferson Ave. Presbyterian Church, Detroit Michigan, 4:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
26 September, 2010 Ann Arbor MI, The University of Michigan - Hill Auditorium, 4:00 PM Solo Performance With The Ann Arbor Symphony (organ)
19 September, 2010 Wesley Methodist Church, Ironwood MI, 2:00 PM Solo Concert (organ)
18 September, 2010 The Ironwood Theater, Ironwood MI, 7:00 PM Silent Film "Wings" (organ)
17 September, 2010 The Ironwood Theater, Ironwood MI, 7:00 Solo Concert and Silent Film "The Cameraman" (organ)
14 September, 2010 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI, 7:00 PM Silent Film "Metropolis" (organ)
12 September, 2010 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI, 1:00 PM Silent Film "Metropolis" (organ)
6 September, 2010 The Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI, 7:00 Solo Organ (special pre-show concert) "Casablanca"
29 August, 2010 Tampa FL, The Tampa Theater, 7:00 PM, NORTH AMERICAN PREMIERE w/ LIVE SCORE Silent Film: "Metropolis" (organ)
31 July, 2010 Amsterdam Netherlands, Oudekirk, 4:00 PM, Solo Recital (carillon)
31 July, 2010 Amsterdam Netherlands, Munttoren, 2:00 PM, Solo Recital (carillon)
30 July, 2010 Zutphen Netherlands, Wijnhousetoren, 8:00 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
29 July, 2010 Loughborough England, War Memorial Carillon Tower, 1:00 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
27 July, 2010 York England, York Minster, 5:15 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
22 July, 2010 Almere (Stad) Netherlands, Gecombineerde Kirk, 7:30 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
21 July, 2010 Hoorn Netherlands, Grote Kirk, 7:30 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
18 July, 2010 Detroit MI, St. Josephat Church, 9:30 Solemn Pontifical Mass (organ) LLA Convention
17 July, 2010 Detroit MI, St. Albertus Church, 4:45 Solemn Vespers (organ) LLA Convention
17 July, 2010 Detroit MI, St. Joseph Church, 11:45 Lecture: "The History and Role of Bells in the Church" LLA Convention
16 July, 2010 Windsor Canada, Assumption of the BVM Church, 4:15 PM Solemn Vespers (organ) LLA Convention
15 July, 2010 Detroit MI, Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, 8:00 PM Chemin du Croix Marilyn Mason NPM Convention (guest)
14 July, 2010 Detroit MI, Cobo Hall, 8:00 PM Solemn Pontifical Mass NPM Convention (organ)
12 July, 2010 Detroit MI, Cobo Hall, 1:30 PM Opening Ceremonies NPM Convention (organ)
12 July, 2010 Detroit MI, Various Locations Lecture-Recital: "Historic Organs of Detroit" 8:00 AM NPM Convention
26 June, 2010 Greek Hall, Macy's Philadelphia PA 2:00 PM Silent Film TBA (Friends of the Wanamaker)
24 April, 2010 John Dickinson High School Wilmington, DE 7:00 PM Solo Recital (Dickinson Theater Organ Society)
18 April, 2010 Sarasotta FL South FL ATOS concert. 2:30 Solo Concert and Silent Film (organ)
13 March, 2010, Ann Arbor MI, Community of Christ Church 8:00 PM Solo and Ensemble Organ (School of Music Theater and Dance)
4 December, 2009 Niles, MI First Presbyterian Church 7:00 PM Silent Film "Big Business" and "Ben Hurr"
28 November, 2009, Birmingham Alabama. Cathedral Church of the Advent 2:30 PM Solo Recital (Regional ATOS Convention)
17 November 2009, Burton Memorial Tower Ann Arbor, MI 7:30 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
15 November 2009 12:00 Premiere performance of Rene Louis Becker’s Mass in Honor of Sts. Peter and Paul at St. Albertus Church, Detroit MI (conducting)
14 November 2009, Burton Memorial Tower Ann Arbor, MI 7:30 PM Solo Recital (carillon)
10 November, 2009 Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI 7:00 PM Opening for Mavis Staples (solo performance)
29 October, 2009 Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor MI 7:30 PM Silent Film "Nosferatu" (organ)
17 October, 2009 Flint Institute of Music, Flint MI 7:00 PM Silent Film "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" (organ)
7 September, 2009 7:30 PM Berea College, Berea KY Carillon Recital (carillon)
24 August, 2009 7:00 PM Burton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor, MI Solo Performance (carillon)
22 August, 2009 7:00 PM Crystal Falls Theater, Crystal Falls MI Solo Concert and Silent Film (organ)
8 August, 2009 8:00 PM Redford Theater, Redford MI Solo mini-concert (organ)
5 August, 2009 7:00 Trinity College Hartford, CT Solo Recital (organ)
5 August, 2009 12:30 St. James Episcopal Church, Danbury CT Solo Recital (organ)
3 August, 2009 7:00 Noorwood City Hall, Noorwood MA Solo Recital (carillon)
2 August, 2009 6:00 PM St. Stephen’s Cohassett, MA Solo Recital (carillon)
18 July, 2009 2:00 Schubert Mass in G Performance St. Francis Xavier Tillbury, Ontario (organ)
17 July, 2009 1:30 Art Fair Concert Burton Memorial Tower, Ann Arbor MI Solo Recital (carillon)
26 June, 2009 5:00 Bay City, MI Immanuel Lutheran Church Solo Recital (organ)
22 June, 2009 8:00 Silent Film for the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America, National Convention at Longwood Gardens Kennett Square, PA. The Hunchback of Notre Dame. PUBLIC PREMIERE OF THE NEWLY RESTORED LONGWOOD GARDENS ORGAN
22 June, 2009 10:00 AM Lecture for the Guild of Carillonneurs in North America, National Convention at Longwood Gardens Kennett Square, PA. 10:00 AM " The Bells of Philadelphia"
29 May, 2009 8:00 Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor. Solo Performance (organ)
3 May, 2009 2:00 Grand Rapids Public Museum, Grand Rapids, MI Solo Concert (organ)
1 May, 2009 7:00 Grand Rapids Public Museum, Grand Rapids, MI Solo Concert (organ)
29 March, 2009 7:00 St. Luke and the Epiphany Church, Philadelphia, PA. Silent Film (organ)
28 March, 2009 7:00 Forum Theater, Binghamton, NY Solo Concert (organ)
13 March, 2009 7:00 Miller Creek Film Festival, Michigan Theater Ann Arbor Solo Concert (organ)
7 March, 2009 Organ Historical Society Meeting at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, Detroit. Solo Concert (organ)
1 March, 2009 7:00 PM Silent Film INAGURAL RECITAL SERIES dedicating the newly completed organs of Peachtree Road United Methodist Church, Atlanta GA (organ)
15 February, 2009 4:00 Jefferson Ave Presbyterian Church, Detroit. Solo Concert (organ) with Stephen Warner
7 February, 2009 7:30 McKinney Performing Arts Center, McKinney TX Silent Film (organ)
9 January, 2009 7:30 Redford Theater, Redford MI Solo Concert (organ)
2 November, 2008. Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor Michigan. Solo film presentation (original score) for the League of Historic American Theatres Annual Convention. Live performance and lecture. (organ)
31 October, 2008. Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor Michigan. Silent Film (organ)
6 October, 2008. Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor Michigan. Visiting Lecturer for Eastern Michigan University- Program of Film and Video Studies
2 September, 2008. Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor Michigan. Silent Film (organ)
31 August, 2008. Michigan Theater, Ann Arbor Michigan. Silent Film (organ)
27 July, 2008. Crystal Falls Theater, Crystal Falls MI. Silent Film (organ)
20 July, 2008. Princeton University, Princeton NJ. Solo Recital (carillon)
16 July, 2008. Valley Forge National Park, King of Prussia, PA. Solo Recital (carillon)
July 15, 2008. Solo Concert with Scott Atchison at Provincetown Meeting House, Provincetown, PA. (organ)
14 July, 2008. First United Methodist Church of Germantown, Philadelphia, PA. Solo Recital (carillon)
30 June, 2008. Ironwood Theater, Ironwood Michigan. Silent Film (organ)
21 and 23 June, 2008. American Guild of Organists Convention, Minneapolis, MN. Solo Concert (organ)
12 January, 2007 8:00 PM. Nederlandse Orgel Federatie-Voorburg The Netherlands. Solo Concert (organ)
28 September, 2004 7:00 PM. Peachtree Presbyterian Church, Atlanta, GA. Solo Concert and Silent Film (organ)
(All events subject to change without notice. Calendar may not represent all solo appearances by Steven Ball or Steven Ball Productions. Bookings appear only upon final confirmation.)